I started BlackIsBig over 5 years ago with a post from April 22nd, 2009, featuring a video from ThugSeduction. This last weekend, BlackIsBig hit the 800 posts mark. And I can promise you, there is lots more coming!
I thought this is the perfect moment to bring you a list of my favorite posts from those 5 years. I created a site called My Top 65 Posts, click here to see that list! It’s just a snapshot and the list could be totally different on another day.
I have also update my BlackIsBg-BigList, where you can see all the posts since 2013 on one site. It’s like a huge gallery posts. Click on a thumb there, and you will be taken to the post.
Also, check out my BlackPornStars list and my PostsListedBySite. There is also a search on the top right of each site, if you are looking for something in particular. You can also check out the BlackIsBig-BlogPages!
I know, we always want new content and fresh guys. But there is so much hot content that has been produced over those 5 years of the existence of this blog. Take your time and have a look back, maybe you have missed some of my earlier posts.