What happened?
What happened? Well, what can I say? Earlier this week, the hard-drive of the server, that all my blogs were hosted on, had a catastrophic failure. Everything is gone. No backups. No restoration of the old content. 1,500 posts on BlackisBig gone.
I guess you can understand my desperation. Why no backups? Of course my host offered this as an addon option. But as you probably know, it gets harder and harder to make money with a gay porn blog. And in times of cost cutting necessities, I decided to go without. My fault.
But don’t worry, I am not going to beg here, no go-fund-me, not going to ask you for donations. Instead, I will look ahead and start new. I loved doing this over the past years, and I will continue to do so. BlackisBig will be back!
I have installed a new blog theme. Some of you might know this already from my blog Bo-ner.com. Which is of course also gone now. I am still in the process of setting everything up, so bear with me! This new theme is very flexible and gives me many options and features in design and functionality. You’re going to love it!
What’s next? In the process of setting things up here, I will add new blog post in the upcoming days. But I will also re-publish some of the old posts that were very popular with you guys. The written content is still there thanks to the way back machine.
Bear With Me – BlackisBig Will Be Back!
But that will take time. I mean, I still have a day-job, working as a bike-messenger on the streets of my hometown.
I am sorry for any inconveniences all of this may have caused you, if you didn’t find here what you were looking for. And when this blog is back and growing, of course you are welcome to show your support by joining a site or two 😉
By the way, that poor guy in the above picture of course is Hoyt Kogan from BelamiOnline. He got punched in the face while the BelAmi boys were in Greece filming for Last Summer In Greece. He recovered beautifully and is still as handsome as before. Btw, BelAmi is having the biggest sale ever, offering $25 per month for the life of your membership. Maybe you want to try that out?
Yours Peter
I’ll be waiting for you, Buddy/
Thank you, Darkhog! I’m still in shock…
It happens BIB, the world wide web trick us up everytime.